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Belgium hepatitis free in 2030

The result of the vision document ‘Belgium 2030 hepatitis-free’

In order to reach the WHO target of eliminating HCV as a public health threat by 2030, a group of Belgian HCV experts, some of which are active BASL steering committee members, joined the Belgian HCV coalition, which is supported by an unrestricted grant from pharmaceutical companies and a communication bureau.

On 9 October 2020, the coalition organised a roundtable to discuss the Belgian hepatitis policy. This resulted in the vision document ‘Belgium 2030 hepatitis-free’, which can be consulted here in Dutch and French.

All Winter Meeting 2023 presentations in the memberzone.

BASL Winter Meeting 2023 presentations

This annual high mass of Belgian Hepatology was again a wonderful learning and networking experience.

BASL Winter Meeting 2023 pictures

Next BASL Winter Meeting and Liver Course: November 29th and 30th.

BASL Winter Meeting and Liver Course 2024

BASL - Belgian Association for the Study of the Liver
Leuvensesteenweg 643
1930 Nossegem